The winter season can take a toll on us, especially when it comes to our eyes. If you do not protect your eyes from the cold air, it will affect your vision because harsh winds and freezing temperatures will impact the way you see, which is why it is so important to care for your eyes properly during the winter season.
In order to keep your eyes both hydrated and healthy, you must:
- Keep your body hydrated. It is very important to drink lots of fluids because this will help maintain moisture in your eyes. Most people drink more water during the summer season when they’re hot, although staying hydrated throughout the colder months is equally as important so that you don’t experience discomfort in your eyes.
- Try to blink more. Most people don’t blink as often when they’re doing an activity that requires their full visual attention, such as reading or using a computer, but it’s important to pay attention to this and to make an effort to blink more often, which will prevent dry eyes and help produce lubrication.
- Invest in a humidifier. Many of us prefer to spend time indoors throughout the winter season but warm air is not necessarily good for your eyes, especially when the air is dry. Heating is necessary and in order to prevent the air indoors from becoming dry, you need to use a humidifier, which will help bring some moisture into the air so that your eyes are not affected by the dry air or uncomfortable environment.
- Keep the distance between you and heat sources. While it’s very tempting to sit right next to a heater or cozy fire on cold winter days, the hot air will cause your eyes to dry out quickly. Do not sit in close proximity to these heat sources; otherwise, your vision will suffer. When the heat is on in your car, make sure you point the vent away from your face; otherwise, this too can cause your eyes to dry out.
- Consider using artificial tears. If your eyes feel dry no matter what you do, it may be time to see your optometrist discuss the use of artificial tears, which can help add moisture.
- Make sure you have the proper eyewear. If you love outdoor activities, you need to make sure you’re using protective eyewear, which is a must for anyone spending time outdoors during the winter. Quality goggles will help keep your eyes safe and prevent snow particles from coming into contact with your eyes. UV rays during the winter are especially harmful, so make sure you have the right sunglasses or eyewear, depending on the activity you’re doing outdoors.
Regular checkups with an eye doctor are very important because a professional eye exam will determine what type of care your eyes need and whether or not your vision is healthy. If you’re looking for an optometrist in the Toronto area, contact St. Lawrence Eye Care today for all of your vision needs!